
LZ-807 Mechanical tachometer

The tachometer LZ-807 works normally in an environment where the ambient temperature is -20 ~ 50 ° C and the relative humidity is below 85%.

Temperature effect: When the temperature changes from 20 ° C to -20 ~ 50 ° C, the additional error of the tachometer temperature does not exceed the absolute value of the basic error limit.

Appearance: tachometer surface bottom is black, word is white, white pointer

Product Details

The tachometer LZ-807 works normally in an environment where the ambient temperature is -20 ~ 50 ° C and the relative humidity is below 85%.

Temperature effect: When the temperature changes from 20 ° C to -20 ~ 50 ° C, the additional error of the tachometer temperature does not exceed the absolute value of the basic error limit.

Appearance: tachometer surface bottom is black, word is white, white pointer

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