
ZLS8/9a Single needle mesh pressure meter -35KV

ZLS8/9a series single needle meter is a wide Angle instrument produced by Zhoushan Qingfeng Railway Instrument Co., LTD. The watch is composed of movement, odometer and housing, with strong structure, good shock resistance, long life and other characteristics, used to indicate the locomotive/bullet train running speed, voltage, current and other signals. It is widely used in all kinds of subway/bullet trains in China.

Product Details

Technical parameters:

Accuracy:                Plus or minus 1.5%
Interior lighting: LED lighting 24VDC or 110VDC
Use environment: -25℃~+50℃, relative humidity is not more than 95%
Insulation strength: 1000V, frequency 50Hz sine wave 1min
Vibration resistance: Class 1 B (TB/T3058)
Protection level: Front panel IP54, connector IP40
Weight:                Not more than 0.8Kg
Connector:        0.8×6.3 Spring
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