
64C1 Battery voltmeter

This series of products for the magnetoelectric and electromagnetic system two types, suitable for installation in the control system and distribution system display panel and large switch board to indicate the relevant electrical parameters, such as: AC and DC current, voltage, power factor, power, synchronization value, frequency, deployment voltage and overload current. The product performance conforms to GB7676-98 standard.

Main technical parameters

Accuracy: 1.5 level 2.5 Use conditions: -20~+50℃ relative humidity ≤85% Pressure effect: When the self-frequency set value changes ±15%, the error of the indicating value does not exceed the basic error.   Mechanical properties: can withstand acceleration of 30 m/SEC 2, impact frequency 80-120 times per minute, two hours of transport shock Working position: vertical direction use

Product Details

This series of products for the magnetoelectric and electromagnetic system two types, suitable for installation in the control system and distribution system display panel and large switch board to indicate the relevant electrical parameters, such as: AC and DC current, voltage, power factor, power, synchronization value, frequency, deployment voltage and overload current. The product performance conforms to GB7676-98 standard.

Main technical parameters

Accuracy: 1.5 level 2.5 Use conditions: -20~+50℃ relative humidity ≤85% Pressure effect: When the self-frequency set value changes ±15%, the error of the indicating value does not exceed the basic error.   Mechanical properties: can withstand acceleration of 30 m/SEC 2, impact frequency 80-120 times per minute, two hours of transport shock Working position: vertical direction use

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